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ongoing study - participate for free

Do you have an allergy?

Did this suddenly occur at some point?

What if this is your body’s “apparent reaction” to something completely different?


For example, that your system linked this “something” to an experience in your life that was very unpleasant for you. And then it tries to ward off this experience from you by a physical reaction. Like a programming mistake.


This connection can be identified and then released in the subconscious, so that the physical reaction is no longer needed.


In the last few years I have come across a few such cases: A reaction to cat hair that was caused by an ex-partner.

A problem with lactose that was related to a childhood event. Pollen allergy with the father.


I am currently conductng my own empirical mini-study of this phenomenon and therefore invite interested people to try out the process with me.



For participants, this specifically means:

  • 1 session in my practice (or online)

  • 1 - 2 phone calls to follow up

  • a questionnaire before and after.


Participation is free and absolutely harmless.


If successful, I would be happy about voluntary energy exchange at your discretion.

Feel free to forward this offer to anyone interested.


registration and questions



Workshop in Berlin


Sunday 5.5.2024  //  15:00 - 19:00*  


We are all intertwined, interconnected, connected in manifold relationships. 


Love relationships, business relationships, father-son relationships, friendships, siblings, enmities, gurus, rivalries, ancestors, imaginary relationships, family systems, bosses, neighbourhoods.... 


We are also in a wide variety of relationships with our own personality parts, with our body, with body parts, with money, with food, with cigarettes, with technology, with foreign languages, with our intuition, with our home, with the future, with things, with God, with Pachamama, with the cat, with work, with time.... 


These relationships can be harmonious, simple or difficult, complicated, challenging, enriching, blissful or runaway. 

In short, in balance or out of balance. You are in stress with it or at peace with it.


There is a simple and wonderful process by which relationships of all kinds, whether with present or absent people or concepts, ideas, things, can be brought into balance. 

I dedicate a separate workshop to this relationship balance, in which you work with a relationship of your choice and "balance" it. 


RElationships in balance

This workshop is for 2 - 4 participants, each with their own theme. You will have the opportunity to bring a relationship of your choice into a new balance. For this purpose, the participants act as surrogates for money. In this way you will directly participate in the process of somebody else, and you will give each other the opportunity to get in touch and work with people who are not present. Of course, you may also come as partners in pairs. Or as a team of three or four.


How does a balance work?


  • For both partners we test in advance whether it is safe and appropriate to carry out the relationship balance. Likewise for a possible substitution.

  • We identify whether one / both of the partners feel stress (also unconsciously) in this relationship.

  • We discover the learning areas and gifts that you both offer each other. 

  • This creates a new clarity about your counterpart and the nature of your relationship.

  • Through the transformation in the balance process, deeper love and connection can emerge, reconciliation, understanding, openness, respect, empowerment, or clarity about differences and next steps. 

  • Although a relationship balance does not always automatically change the behaviour of a person, it has the potential to transform the perception of the relationship, the person, the entity and so bring you into peace with it. In this case, the balance allows you to acknowledge and accept what is and to let go with gratitude.



Contribution: 90€ pro Person 

This event will be held in German!! Please get in touch for an English version.

registration link 

prerequisites: none - except your willingness to serve as a surrogate.


The number of participants is limited to 4. Everyone gets the opportunity for (at least) one relationship balance. Please register in advance, by 2.5.24 at the latest. 


I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the method or the workshop itself. 

psych K Tag


in Berlin

Saturday 27.4.2023  //  10-18 Uhr  

Schule für Tai Chi Chuan Berlin

Akazienstraße 27 

erster Hof rechts, 5. Stock 

10823 Berlin Schöneberg 


with Britta Armbröster und Anna Kalvelage

D U  B I S T  E I N G E L A D E N 


Deine Fragen zu Balancen und Protokollen zu klären 

Dich mit anderen Begleiter:innen auszutauschen und zu vernetzen 

zu erfahren, welche Veränderungen und Neuerungen es im PSYCH-K® gibt 

Deinen Kontakt zu PSYCH-K® zu intensivieren 

Dich in einem eigenen Prozess begleiten zu lassen 

gemeinsam zu balancieren 


Beitrag für Teilnehmende: 80€ 

Anmeldung und Rückfragen 



K O N K R E T 


Bitte bringe Deine PSYCH-K® Unterlagen mit und etwas zum Schreiben. Außerdem ggf. Hausschuhe oder warme Socken. 

Für Snacks und Getränke ist gesorgt. 

Ein Mittagessen ist nicht enthalten, vor Ort gibt es reichlich Auswahl an Restaurants, Bistros, etc. für eine gemeinsame Mittagspause. 


Anmeldung vorab per mail.

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